Install Easyphp On Windows Server 2008
For Windows Server 2008, after an automatically downloaded update and server reset our Apache server stopped. Error logs read as follows: The Apache service named reported access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions.: make_sock: could not bind to address Logged 9:04:13 AM (the time the server downloaded and reset a Windows update) Also: The Apache service named reported the following error: no listening sockets available, shutting down. The Apache service named reported the following error: unable to open logs.
Drivers Hp Pavilion Zd8000 Windows 7 here. Hp Software Customer Support Number Usa. This presentation demonstrates the installation of Openbiblio, an open source ILS (integrated library software) on Windows using EasyPHP, an Apache-MySQL-PHP bundle. The presentation was created. Installing PHP MySQL and PHPMyAdmin on Windows Server 2008 R2 The best and fastest way to install these applications. I love linux but i like features that w.

The way to fix this (because simple restart doesn't work) is to open a command prompt and type: iireset/stop Thereafter restart Apache by running: services.msc Pick Apache, and hit start. Or you can pick any other way you want to restart Apache. Cara Install Windows Xp Di Hp Pavilion Dm1.