Ttcp Download Hp-ux

Download Epson T13 Resetter Rar. You can use the Test TCP utility (TTCP) to measure TCP throughput through an IP path. In order to use it, start the receiver on one side of the path, then start the transmitter on the other side. The transmitting side sends a specified number of TCP packets to the receiving side. At the end of the test, the two sides display the number of bytes transmitted and the time elapsed for the packets to pass from one end to the other. You can then use these figures to calculate the actual throughput on the link. For general information on TTCP, refer to. Cara Membuat Form Upload File Dengan Php Editor. The TTCP utility can be effective in determining the actual bit rate of a particular WAN or modem connection.
However, you can also use this feature to test the connection speed between any two devices with IP connectivity between them. For more information on document conventions, see the.
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Readers of this document should be knowledgeable of the following: • TTCP requires Cisco IOS ® Software Version 11.2 or higher and Feature Sets IP Plus (is- images) or Service Provider (p- images). Note: The ttcp command is a hidden, unsupported, privileged mode command. As such, its availability may vary from one Cisco IOS software release to another, such that it might not exist in some releases.
Some platforms, for instance, require the Cisco IOS Enterprise feature set in order to perform this activity. Epson Lx 300 Ii Driver For Windows 7. This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.
• Ensure that there is IP connectivity between the two devices involved in the test. • Download and install the TTCP software for non-IOS clients, if necessary. In the example shown below, we try to determine the connection speed of a modem connection between a Microsoft Windows PC and an AS5300 Access Server. Even though many of the topics and explanations that are included here are specific to modem connections, the TTCP utility can be used between any two devices. Use the show modem operational-status command (for a modem link) to check the connection parameters. For other LAN or WAN scenarios, this step is not necessary. Customer-dialin-sj>show modem operational-status 1/51 Parameter #1 Connect Protocol: LAP-M Parameter #2 Compression: None.!--- Output omitted.
Parameter #8 Connected Standard: V.90 Parameter #9 TX,RX Bit Rate: 0 This edited output shows that the client is connected in V. Brother Printer Resetter Free Download here. 90 at a 45333 bps downlink rate and a 24000 BPS uplink rate. Data compression is disabled on the client modem. Since the TTCP test pattern is highly compressible, any data compression would skew our measure of true modem link throughput.
• Start the ttcpw program on the PC (in a DOS window), running as a receiver. Refer to the Readme file provided with the windows TTCP software for the appropriate syntax. C: PROGRA~1 TTCPW>ttcpw -r -s ttcp-r: buflen=8192, nbuf=2048, align=16384/0, port=5001 tcp ttcp-r: socket • Launch the TTCP sender (transmitter) on the AS5300.
Leave most settings at the default, except for the number of buffers to transmit. The default number of buffers is 2048, with which the TTCP test would take a long time to complete. By reducing the number of buffers, we are able to finish the test in a reasonable timeframe. In the example shown below, we try to determine the connection speed of a modem connection between a Microsoft Windows PC and an AS5300 Access Server. Even though many of the topics and explanations that are included here are specific to modem connections, the TTCP utility can be used between any two devices.
Note: Try to get a snapshot of the modem (port) operational-status, as described above, just before you begin the TTCP test. Customer-dialin-sj>ttcp transmit or receive [receive]: transmit!--- The AS5300 is the ttcp transmitter Target IP address:! -- Remote device (the Windows PC) IP address perform tcp half close [n]: use tcp driver [n]: send buflen [8192]: send nbuf [2048]: 50!--- Number of buffers to transmit is now set to 50 (default is 2048 buffers) bufalign [16384]: bufoffset [0]: port [5001]: sinkmode [y]: buffering on writes [y]: show tcp information at end [n]: ttcp-t: buflen=8192, nbuf=50, align=16384/0, port=5001 tcp -> ttcp-t: connect (mss 1460, sndwnd 4096, rcvwnd 4128) This causes the Cisco IOS TTCP to make a TCP connection to the TTCPW (on the Windows machine). When the PC receives the request for the TTCP session, TTCPW displays a message that the PC has accepted a TTCP session from the router's IP address: ttcp-r: accept from When the TTCP sender has finished sending all its data, both sides will print the throughput statistics and terminate. In this case, the IOS TTCP sender shows: ttcp-t: buflen=8192, nbuf=50, align=16384/0, port=5001 tcp -> ttcp-t: connect (mss 1460, sndwnd 4096, rcvwnd 4128) ttcp-t: 409600 bytes in 84544 ms (84.544 real seconds) (~3 kB/s) +++ ttcp-t: 50 I/O calls ttcp-t: 0 sleeps (0 ms total) (0 ms average) The PC TTCPW receiver, on the other hand, shows: ttcp-r: 409600 bytes in 8 4.94 seconds = 4.71 KB/sec +++ ttcp-r: 79 I/O calls, msec/call = 1101.02, calls/sec =0.93 At this point, you may want to take another snapshot of the modem or port operational-status.