Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows Socket
I haven't had the opportunity to do a restart yet, but I'm also seeing this condition on 4.2. It would seem evident that there is some bug that needs to be addressed at this point. Extensions shouldn't just no longer function. UPDATE: Restarting did not solve the issue, nor did restarting mySQL. MagicMac wrote:I am on DS 4.2 I had this error, just after add mcrypt in PHP extension because phpMyAdmin asked it.
[icon type='mysql'][icon type='php']I'm setting up Wordpress based blog system under Debian or Ubuntu Linux. Appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is. Specifies the socket or named pipe that should be used. Note: Specifying the socket parameter will not explicitly determine the type of connection to be used when connecting to the MySQL server. How the connection is made to the MySQL database is determined by the host parameter.

I just desactive PHP cache in the PHP control panel (just above PHP extension button). Hp Laserjet 4250 Pcl 5 Driver there. PhpMyAdmin now run without error. @MagicMac: Did you try a restart after your changes made?
Ddi it work after restarting your DSbox? Background on this question: I experienced the same problem, that mysqli is missing and to check the php.ini.
I found the problem itself, but only have the already mentioned workaround to cpoy an older version of PHP.ini in /usr/syno/etc/. And to restart /usr/syno/apache/bin/httpd -DSSL -DHAVE_PHP -k start as root. So, with each restart this php.ini file is being overwritten by a standard php.ini file with a size of 4096 bytes. My running php.ini file has a size of 70870 bytes. BUG: some programm/user is overwriting this php.ini file before/after restarting the box. I do not know who/which program. Any hints ion this?
Regards, RogiWanKenobi. Have been getting this error too.
Seems to be a bug we've all encountered. Canon Inkjet Printer Driver Add On Module Download Download Full Version. Saw the note on the missing mcrypt extension, so I checked the extension in the web services control panel. Right after, when logging in to PhpMyAdmin I got the mysqli extension missing error: The mysqli extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.
I've tried some of the fixes mentioned here, without succes: -Checking / unchecking the mysqli and/or mcrypt extensions -Disabling PHP cache -Starting and stopping the PhpMyAdmin package -Uninstalling and reinstalling the package, also with disabling web station/mysql + reboot + enable + reinstall. -Disabling/Enabling the service in system information, services All with reboots at every step. Any other suggestions? This seems to be a reproducable issue with the extensions.
However, the fixes posted by different people don't seem to work for me. On the plus side, my xbmc machines still seem to be able to connect to my mysql database.
Hello, I have a Synology DS210 with DSM 3.2 and I have a small problem. Few days ago, I have activate Web Station, installed phpmyadmin via package center and install a tool (Feng Office) in a virtual host named 'test'.
All work well but I decided to relaunch process in another virtual host of my Web Station, so I just create another host with another name and I install again Feng Office. Now when I try to connect to phpmyadmin, I have an error: 'Missing extension mysqli'. I tried to reinstall phpmyadmin, desactivate and reactivate Web Station, reboot several times but result is always the same. Have you an idea about the way to correct this?