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The world’s population find their lives shortened by events that often go unnoticed: violent conflict, illnesses, and hunger – events that pass for normal existence in many parts of the world, especially (but not only) in less devel. WORLD AT RISK: THE NEW TASK OF CRITICAL THEORY*1 ULRICH BECK Munich University and LSE In the current phase of reflexive or second mo dernization, we are witnessing a dialectics.
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'A fascinating examination of the risk society of thetwenty-first century. Ulrich Beck details the new world order whereterrorism and global climate change haunt our lives and engendersome powerful new risks and new modes of politics. This bookimportantly draws together many of Beck's themes forexamining the main lineaments of the new World at Risk.' John Urry, University of Lancaster 'Beck deploys the concept of risk as a sharply focusedflashlight that allows him to see what is typically obscured bydominant notions and explanations.