As 2870 Residential Slabs And Footings Pdf Printer


Hp Pre Installed Programs Mac. AS 2870—2011 2 PREFACE This Standard was prepared by the Standards Australia Committee BD-025, Residential Slabs and Footings, to supersede AS 2870—1996. Epson Drivers Lq 300 For Windows Xp. AS 2870:1996 Residential slabs and footings - Construction Description Sets out the requirements for the classification of a site and the design and construction of a footing system for a single dwelling house, town house or the like which may be detached or separated by a party wall or common wall but not situated vertically above or below.

Residential Slabs And Footings Code

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Description Sets out the requirements for the classification of a site and the design and construction of a footing system for a single dwelling house, town house or the like which may be detached or separated by a party wall or common wall but not situated vertically above or below another dwelling. The Standard may also apply to other forms of construction including some light commercial and institutional buildings if they are similar to houses in size, loading and superstructure flexibility. The footing systems for which designs are given include slab-on ground, stiffened rafts, waffle rafts, strip footings, pad footings and pitted footings. The designs in this Standard do not apply to industrial buildings. Scope This Standard sets out the requirements for the classification of a site and the design and construction of a footing system for a single dwelling house, townhouse or the like which may be detached or separated by a party wall or common wall, but not situated vertically above or below another dwelling. Such houses include buildings classified as Class 1 and 10a under the Building Code of Australia. The Standard may also apply to other forms of construction including some light industrial, commercial and institutional buildings if they are similar to houses in size, loading and superstructure flexibility.

The footing systems for which designs are given include slab-on-ground, stiffened rafts, waffle rafts, strip footings, pad footings and piled footings. This Standard gives no advice on detailing of the connection of superstructures to the footing systems for wind loads or earthquake loads. This Standard shall not be interpreted so as to prevent the use of materials or methods of design not referred to herein. Specifically, this Standard shall not be used to prevent the use of locally proven designs, or alternative designs in accordance with engineering principles. NOTE: This Standard does not include design details for Class P sites. Some advisory material is included in the commentary.